Kid Scouts is a community participation and social skills program designed to provide children and their parents with the tools, strategies, and therapeutic intervention necessary to establish meaningful experiences and interactions with their peers in the larger context of their shared community. It helps to give children and their families support for improved independence and active participation with others in the context of community.

Kid Scouts accepts children between 5 and 18 years old who want to form meaningful friendships and can be safe on community outings in a 4:1 child to staff ratio. Groups are broken down according to chronological and developmental ages. Each group is comprised of up to 8 children, 1 occupational therapist, 1 teacher, and parents.

Kid Scouts meets weekly with at least one session per month to take place in the community and at least one session per month to take place in our specialized clinical setting where feedback can be provided to parents.

If you’re considering Therapy West, Inc. & pLAy Studio for your child’s therapy needs, please find out how to get started with our group programs.